June 5th
The swans and cygnet and duck with five remaining ducklings were tolerating
each other at our jetty this lunchtime. Alan D.
June 2nd
The cygnet is coming along nicely. The duck brought her babies to our jetty this evening but they are very small and vulnerable and were being watched intently by a very large black-backed seagull on Catriona's roof so I'm not confident about their chances. Alan D.
The cygnet is getting big and there are baby ducks. A few pics snapped at the bottom of our garden this evening. Alisdair M.
May 22nd
2 cygnets today. John |
May 19th
3 cygnets today. Ailsa |
May 14th
Unusually, a breeding plumage "common" gull on south gabions. In size, between lesser black-backed and black-headed gulls, greenish-yellow legs, and no red patch at base of bill. Despite name this is much less common than the other gulls on TL and is "amber listed".
Also a pair of goosander. John
May 12th
House martins seen back at nest site on Mugdock Road house. May have arrived sooner? John |
April 2nd
Female (="redhead") goosander on Loch this morning. John |
Mar 25th
Distant (to West) chiffchaff heard today. Chris Edwards |
Feb 22nd
Cormorant with fishing device around its neck. Nicholas and Wendy.
Jan 30th
1. There is a heron every day - all through January - often in the reeds at the bottom of (Mugdock Road) garden - otherwise in the reeds at the North end.
2. (Current) pair of swans fly up to the reservoir every day - in the morning. Ailsa |
Jan 30th
SCAUP with tufted ducks in unfrozen water. First time I've ever seen one on the loch. Distinguish from tufted duck by grey and white hatched back, instead of black. Also wigeon, goosanders, goldeneye and cormorant. John
Jan 24th
We saw a second cormorant at 2pm and "she" has now swum over to the male on the rock who has been doing a bit of displaying! Wendy
Jan 23rd
The male swan made an undignified landing when he crashed noisily onto the Taggarts' garage this morning. He managed to recompose himself after a short while, flopped off the garage roof, then limped to the jetty. He waited for 30 minutes before launching himself into the icy loch to re-join his mate who was anxiously waiting at the other end of the loch near to you. Hope nothing was damaged. Nicholas
Jan 14th
Kingfisher briefly on NW shore birch. On ~1/10 unfrozen water here: 1 female goldeneye, 3 coot. John
Dec 1st
3 red-head goosander today. Female goldeneye still. John
Nov 28th
Wigeon on TL this am. John
Nov 22nd |
Every morning for the past few weeks a cormorant has swept over the loch from the direction of Emma and Alistair's house. Later in the day he comes to stand on the submerged rock in the Taggart-Gray bay and preens and shimmies his wings. Wendy
Nov 21st |
Redwing on holly in Edwards' garden. John
Nov 18th |
"Common" gull on Loch. John
Nov 16th |
Kingfisher. Nicholas and Wendy.
Sept 26th |
Grey wagtail at outfall. Gillian
Oct 16th |
Female or juvenile goosander - this time on Tannoch Loch. John
Sept 13th |
Dipper on Tannoch Loch entry stream. Gillian
Sept 7th |
8/9 "red-head" goosander on Mugdock Reservoir. Still there September 12th. John
August ~9th |
Lochside wild flower, believed to be Broad Leaved Helleborine (Epipactis Helleborine). Donald
July 18 approx. |
Mallard with ten chicks. All gone by following day. Suggest pike predation as seen here » Colin
2016 May 8th |
3 moorhen chicks in bogbean at bottom of our garden. Hope they are more successful than the coots. Gillian
2016 April 20th |
Party of greylag geese visited, presumed migrants intending to roost overnight. Chased by swans. John
2016 April 18th |
First heard willow warbler, Tannoch Loch and Drumclog Muir. Ros Blair
2016 April 9th |
 Swans (the new pair) built 7th-8th April. One egg by 9th. This swan has a metal ring clearly visible in a magnified detail from this image. John |
2016 February 23rd |
Long-tailed tits in numbers every day this month. Bairds, Mugdock Road |
2016 February 4th |
Little grebe now in spring plumage. John |
2016 January 28th |
On 19 Jan a swan was seen sitting on or on the grass past the turning circle - an unusual site. Then saw the male puffing up his wings closely followed by the other new swan speeding down the loch - presumably to give it chase. (Had to go out so missed the next bit). I presume this is the same swan that the Brimelows and Alan D saw. I don't think we have reached the 26 Jan yet (or even the 22nd) but glad the SSPCA has been out to see to it. Carole |
2016 January 26th |
I called the SSPCA yesterday (25th Jan) to tell them about the swan as I was concerned about its welfare. An inspector came and I believe may have encouraged it back into the loch and fly away. I believe it has now left. Alan Douglas |
2016 January 22nd |
A swan - we think gender is male - has been chased off the Loch into our garden burn and is looking a little unhappy . He's been here since Thursday 21st Jan 15 when we first noticed him. Hazel gave him a Mortons roll this morning which he ate with relish. Anyone wishing to see him please just pop into our garden at 168 Mugdock Road. Susan and Hazel Brimelow. |
2016 January 20th |
Three swans standing on the ice. (Residual open water mostly frozen over). A vixen called that night. John |
2016 January 15th |
An extra pair of goldeneye, making 2 males (as in photograph above) plus 3 females. On unfrozen water near inflow. John |
2016 January 14th |
Little grebe again in N half. About 30 mallard, -suggestive of immigration? John |
2016 January 9th |
Second swan still present today. Carole |
2016 January 8th |
Swan orange 3DPC seems to have acquired a mate. He has chased so many swans off but is being quite affable to her. She has no ring that I can see but white bits at the top of both legs and a thin neck. Also of course, I don't know she is a she. Ailsa |
2016 January 3rd |
Still 2 female goldeneye, also one male. One coot at south end. One of the black-headed gulls unusually showing partial dark cap as if already entering breeding plumage. John |
2015 December 21 |
Little grebe further north on loch. Still 2 female goldeneye. John |
2015 December 19 |
Nuthatch and frequent visits from Great spotted woodpecker on feeders in October. Don't think they liked November so much. Gillian |
2015 December 10 |
At least two pairs of Goosander gliding around the loch like battleships. Wendy |
2015 December 3 |
Nuthatch on bird feeder. John |
2015 December 2 |
2 female goldeneye and a grey heron today. I don't know how long the goldeneyes have been back, but it is tempting to speculate they could be same two returning many winters. John |
2015 December 2 |
A single Little Grebe on the loch. Dinking down to fish constantly and shoving away any Mallards that come too close. Wendy |
2015 November 25 |
A lovely sighting of our kingfisher on our willow. It then swept down and up the loch in a flash of turquoise and orange. We usually hear its harsh "whistle" first. We saw it again toward the end of November. Wendy |
2015 November 18 |
~30 tufted duck on Mugdock Reservoir. Possibly exchange with TL. John |
(2015 August) |
Possible pine marten scat, seen on a log at the edge of the path on the west side of Craigmaddie measuring pond. Andrew |
2015 November 17 |
Hearsay - sighting of pine marten from near northeast corner of Craigmaddie Reservoir. John |
2015 November 15 |
WEBS » (Wetland Bird Survey) core count day. Could be even 8 pairs of tufted ducks - difficult to be sure when diving frequently. One female goldeneye. One swan. John |
2015 November 14 |
6 pairs (at least) of Tufted Ducks back on the loch. An interesting view of a female standing on a rock showing her white belly and back white spot. Wendy.
2015 November 10 |
The current swan is 3CDP(orange) - been here about three weeks and has chased off the old cob plus at least two other pairs. Ailsa
2015 November 9 |
At TLL AGM: Report that pine marten has been seen at S. end of Loch. Nicholas |
2015 November 4 |
One swan chasing another into a Heathfield driveway |
2015 November 3 |
Three swans today and continuing aggression |
2015 November 2 |
One swan now chasing the other, including on land along Heathfield Drive. Not a happy family. |
2015 October 30 |
Two female goldeneye arrived since yesterday. Interesting to see how they respond to lowered Loch. Grey wagtail again. |
2015 October 29 |
Two grey wagtails dancing in the sun along the north end of the west shore. |
2015 October 21 |
Nuthatch on feeders again today Still occasional visits, latest 2nd November 2015. See BTO claim northward spread is down to climate change» and Iain Gibson's comment that evidence for cause and effect is lacking. |
2015 October 20 |
Two swans on the Loch today. (Ailsa and Bob)
2015 October 16 |
To get started, here in brief are a few recent items:
This was the summer when after a good many years with a pair of mute swans, the Loch lost its female and now has one only.
Two residents reported seeing pine martens » in loch side gardens
Range expansion in Scotland. (2013) » A nuthatch » visited feeders on Mugdock Road.
Range extending northwards: BTO data » |